How to Use and Hire a Smoke Machine

Mar 26, 2024 - Smoke Machine Hire
The banner image, showing a Gecko

Written by Ben Kennedy

How to Use and Hire a Smoke Machine

Planning an event can be a real challenge. You want everything to shine, especially if it’s a special occasion like a wedding or a big party. Getting the atmosphere just right is crucial for making your event memorable. One effective way to transform any venue into something magical is by using a smoke machine. These machines add that extra touch of drama and excitement, creating the perfect mood for your guests.

Did you know that there are different types of smoke machines available for various events? Whether it's adding mystery to a Halloween party or enhancing the lighting at a concert, there’s always one that fits the bill. Our blog will guide you through choosing and using the correct type of smoke machine for your needs. From setting up safely to hiring a smoke machine that won't break the bank, we've got you covered.

Get ready to make your event unforgettable!

Types of Smoke Machines

A Party with People Surrounded by Smoke Made by Smoke Machines you can find on Gecko” style=

Smoke machines come in different types, including standard smoke machines, low fog machines, haze machines, and geyser smoke machines. Each type offers unique features to cater to various lighting and atmospheric effects.

Standard smoke machines

Standard smoke machines are the go-to equipment for creating visual effects in various events like concerts, weddings, and parties. These machines produce a dense mist that can enhance lighting effects, making them essential for stage productions and theatrical performances.

They work by heating a special fluid until it becomes vapour, which then gets expelled to create the smoky effect.

Users find standard smoke machines easy to operate and versatile enough for different settings. Whether it's adding an eerie atmosphere to a Halloween event or providing special effects for a DJ set, these machines deliver reliable performance.

Their availability through fog machine hire services makes them accessible for both personal use and professional event planning.

Low fog machines

Low fog machines are designed to create a ground-hugging mist that adds an enchanting and eerie ambiance to events. By using ice or liquid CO2, these machines produce a low-lying fog effect without the need for dry ice.

The chilled fog produced by low fog machines is ideal for creating dramatic scenes in theatrical productions, enhancing special effects at concerts, and adding an ethereal touch to weddings and other events.

These innovative machines excel at transforming any stage or venue into a mystical setting, captivating guests with their unique and mesmerising visual impact. When considering the rental of smoke machines for special occasions such as weddings or concerts, opting for a low fog machine can significantly elevate the overall experience with its captivating misty allure.

Haze machines

Haze machines create a subtle and lingering mist that enhances the visibility of lighting effects, adding depth and dimension to any event. They are popular for concerts, theatrical productions, and special events due to their ability to create an atmosphere filled with mystery and drama.

Haze machines work by releasing a fine, almost invisible mist into the air, resulting in a soft ambient effect that is more distinct than traditional fog.

To ensure you get the most out of your haze machine rental or purchase, understanding how to use it effectively is essential. However, before diving into usage specifics, it's important to explore the benefits of using this type of smoke machine for various events.

Geyser smoke machines

Transitioning from the mysterious and subtle effect of haze machines, geyser smoke machines offer a dramatic burst of thick, billowing fog that shoots upwards into the air. These impressive machines are designed to create an eye-catching spectacle for special events, concerts, or theatrical performances. Using a combination of water and glycol-based fluid, geyser smoke machines produce dense plumes of fog that rapidly ascend before dispersing more quickly than traditional fog or haze effects.

The powerful visual impact produced by geyser smoke machines makes them ideal for enhancing stage performances and creating stunning special effects in various entertainment settings.

Benefits of using a Smoke Machine

Using a smoke machine enhances lighting effects, creates a spooky atmosphere, and adds excitement to events. Dive into the details of using and hiring one for your next event!

Enhances lighting effects

Using a smoke machine enhances lighting effects by adding depth and dimension to the visual atmosphere. The haze created by the machine can accentuate stage lighting, creating stunning beams of light that cut through the air and add an ethereal quality to any event or performance.

This effect is particularly impactful for concerts, stage productions, special events, weddings, and parties where dramatic lighting can elevate the overall experience.

Fog machines can also be used strategically to play with shadows and silhouettes, creating an intriguing interplay between light and dark that captivates audiences. By using a smoke machine in conjunction with various lighting techniques, it's possible to transform any space into a visually engaging and immersive environment that leaves a lasting impression on guests or audience members.

Creates a spooky atmosphere

Using a smoke machine can help create a spooky atmosphere for Halloween parties, haunted houses, or theatrical productions. By filling the space with an eerie fog, the smoke machine adds an element of mystery and suspense to the event, enhancing the overall ambiance while captivating audiences with its haunting effect.

When combined with appropriate lighting effects, the smoke produced by the machine can transform any venue into a chilling and immersive environment. Whether it's for a horror-themed party or a stage production requiring special effects, incorporating a smoke machine can significantly elevate the experience for guests and performers alike.

Once you've mastered how to use and manage this powerful tool effectively, you'll be able to generate an alluringly sinister setting that is sure to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Adds excitement to events

Immersing an event in swirling clouds of smoke has the power to captivate and thrill attendees. The use of a smoke machine enhances the overall experience, creating an electrifying atmosphere that elevates any occasion.

Its ability to amplify lighting effects and add drama makes it a must-have for concerts, parties, weddings, and other special events. The dynamic interplay between light and smoke stimulates the senses, leaving guests awestruck as they revel in an unforgettable atmosphere.

The excitement that a well-utilised smoke machine brings cannot be overstated. It transforms ordinary events into extraordinary ones by enveloping them in an air of mystery and anticipation.

How to Use a Smoke Machine

Prepare the smoke machine by adding the appropriate fog fluid and ensuring it's in a well-ventilated area. Set up the machine and its remote control, then adjust the settings to achieve the desired level of smoke output for your event.

Prepare the machine

Before using the smoke machine, ensure it is placed on a stable surface to prevent tipping. Next, remove the fluid tank and fill it with the recommended fog juice for optimal performance.

Then, secure the tank back in place and connect the power cord to a reliable power source. After that, switch on the machine and allow it to warm up for several minutes as per the manufacturer's instructions.

Once ready, trigger the remote control or activate the manual button to disperse fog into your desired space.

Set up the machine and remote

Place the smoke machine on a flat, stable surface to avoid tipping. Connect the power cord to an electrical outlet and ensure it's in reach for easy access. Load the appropriate fluid into the machine and secure it tightly.

Then, position the remote control within your reach for convenient operation during your event.

Adjusting the settings allows you to control the intensity and duration of the smoke output. Familiarise yourself with the buttons on the remote and test them before your event begins.

Adjust settings

To adjust the settings on a smoke machine, locate the control panel and adjust the density and velocity of the smoke output. Use the timer or remote control to set the duration and frequency of bursts, ensuring that it complements your desired lighting effects.

Additionally, you can modify the heat intensity for thicker or lighter fog as required. Experiment with different settings to achieve the ideal atmosphere for your event, whether it's a wedding, concert, or special effects production.

Before an event, test different settings to ensure they align with your vision. Engage with keywords such as "smoke machine rental," "party smoke machine," and "stage equipment" when exploring available options in order to make an informed decision about which type of smoke machine will best suit your needs.

Safety precautions

Before operating a smoke machine, it is vital to observe safety precautions. Start by ensuring proper ventilation in the area where the machine will be used. Always place the machine on a stable surface away from flammable materials and never leave it unattended while in use.

Additionally, read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for filling and using the machine to prevent any hazards related to its operation. Finally, always have a fire extinguisher nearby as an extra precaution.

Using a smoke machine involves some risks, but being mindful of safety precautions ensures that events are both exciting and secure.

Hiring a Smoke Machine

Consider the event and venue, determine the appropriate size and type of machine, compare prices and features, enquire about delivery and setup, review terms and conditions. Find the perfect smoke machine to enhance your next event!

Consider the event and venue

When selecting a smoke machine for an event or venue, it is crucial to consider the size and type of the space. Different events call for different types of smoke machines, such as low fog machines for weddings or standard smoke machines for concerts.

It's essential to match the machine with the particular setting to achieve the desired atmospheric effect.

Evaluate your event needs and select a suitable smoke machine that aligns with your requirements. Whether it's a small party or a large concert, choosing the right smoke machine will enhance the overall experience and create captivating visual effects in conjunction with lighting.

Determine the appropriate size and type of machine

Consider the event and venue to select the most suitable smoke machine. Choose the size and type based on the desired effect, whether for a wedding, concert, stage production or special effects display.

Compare prices and features before making your decision.

Enquire about delivery and setup when hiring a smoke machine to ensure it arrives on time and is installed correctly. Review terms and conditions thoroughly to avoid any misunderstandings.

Compare prices and features

Compare prices and features when hiring a smoke machine. Look for machines that suit the event and venue while considering the size needed. Analyse terms, conditions, and delivery options before making a decision.

Check out different types of machines such as standard smoke machines, low fog machines, haze machines and geyser smoke machines to find the best fit for your needs.

Enquire about delivery and setup

When hiring a smoke machine, inquire about the delivery options and setup process. Ensure that the rental company offers delivery to your event location and provides assistance with setting up the machine. It's also important to clarify whether there are any additional charges for delivery and setup services.

Upon enquiring about delivery and setup, you can discuss any specific requirements or restrictions related to accessing the venue for installation. This will help ensure a smooth and timely setup before your event begins.

Review terms and conditions

Ensure to review the terms and conditions before hiring a smoke machine. Evaluate the rental agreement for any restrictions or liabilities associated with the use of the machine at your event.

Check for clauses related to damages, cleaning, and insurance coverage.

Always clarify questions about delivery, setup, and return procedures stated in the terms and conditions. It's essential to be aware of any additional charges that may apply if the machine is returned late or damaged.


Discover the magical allure of smoke machines, transforming any event with captivating lighting effects and an enchanting atmosphere. Experience the ease and practicality of using a smoke machine to elevate your events, leaving a lasting impact on your guests.

How will you harness the power of smoke machines to create unforgettable moments at your next gathering? Explore further into our world of special effects equipment and unleash boundless creativity for your upcoming events! Get ready to amaze your audience and craft mesmerising experiences with these versatile tools at your fingertips.

Ben KennedyMar 26, 2024